
"Hey i just met you and this is crazy, here's my number so call me maybe" so easily get remember of this song. I used to be listen when i going to work or going to college that's can spent my time when i am alone. So back to the topic, july is a month that i not willing to be come so fast because it means my final exam are coming on next month. This month is the last month i gather with my classmate when think about this i feel gonna cry. Seriouly I love them very much.

Besides, last month worked Shrek musical @ Plenary hall KLCC. I had learned so much things at there and know girl friends also. It's really a nice experience and i'm have enjoy the show also. Those girls i knew they are so friendly and learned so many stuff i never knew before i'm glad to met them!

They are Ryong ee, Pooi yee and Eunice. Such nice friend they are!
After a week which finished our job and i gonna miss them so muchie. Hope to see you guys soon!

However, it's a damn busy week after work because of a lot of assignment need summit, prepare for presentation and study for the test. Goddamnit! Almost everyday facing the lappie or notes for sure if stay at home will be mad til the max so last saturday mummy bring me and the sista going shopping. See who i met at pavillion?

It's Fui Meng. She worked for Adidas.

My salary are spent out on these stuff. fml Girls are always related to shopping.

Finally is my group turn to presentation, but so sad that day was doesn't capture the group photo. Only me and her capture when everyone was already going back.

Mei yi and me
Most worst presentation ever yesterday. I wonder why the tutor was so many question to asked. Nevermine, Just did my best that's enough! Coming week still have one more presentation and test, wish me luck then we finish all the stuff and a lot of event waiting for me. 
Lastly, Outfit of presentation
Collar shirt from Sungei wang 6th floor,  High waist skirt from Forever21.

Got to prepare next week last test and presentation now. That's all for today. Bye bye!

-the end-

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