Hi guys, recent are fashionable about Dip Dye Hair since Katy perry dyed the Dip dye hair with purple colours also. I loving this trend of Dip dyed hair and now it's come back and popular than ever. Maybe i got an idea what colours to dye for my ugly hair. Those who watched her mv WIDE AWAKE were knew what was the Dip dye hair look on Katy Perry.
Dip dye hair with rainbow colours.
Here's some dip dyed hair inspirations:
Chuckei jane
Abbey Lee Kershaw
Like the way mix of Blue, Pink and Purple.
It's a good try for something special.
I think i'm gonna have a dip dye hair soon. Can't wait for it!!
Good nights!
-the end-

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ya. the hair sure will damage. but may have a try.