Malacca trip

It's happened the weekend on Deepavali holiday, suddenly plan to go Malacca for one day trip. Still remember last time went Malacca was Chinese New Year, almost one year we has been visit Malacca twice. So we awake in the morning to depart and only 3 girls in this trip. Before depart we went for have our breakfast first.

On the way to Malacca, selca in da car.
After one hour more, we reached Malacca. We going to Mahkota Parade meet another friends there, fortunately GONG CHA having opening promotion free drinks giveaway for first 50 customer. BUT we aren't that 50 customer.

Two cute girl.
Outfit of the day, top from Sungei wang & bottom from H&M.
Everytime finish it i felt still want to drink again. That's not enough for me!
Next station for our trip which San Shu Gong @ Jonker Street just in front of Jonker Street. I think probably most of you know where is it.
Durian cendol. I not even like to eat the flavour.
Their favourite =)
Hehe! Next station going to Pork satay and selca in the car with another cuties.

Another noisy girl who drive her boyfie's car and keep caution all the way. 
The Pork satay is so delicious, if go there must have a try of this!
Finished enjoy the pork satay, it's time to have our dinner time. This trip we only EAT & EAT, some more non stop in the whole trip. The next station will be Ban Li Xiang Satay Celup. 
Opps! So delicious. I can't wait for eat into my stomach!
Lastly, group photo when finished eating. We are so satisfied of it!
So this is the end of our malacca one day trip, we so full in that day almost gained double kilogram in a day. OMG!!!! Must diet after the trip. We have a enjoyable malacca trip in a day. Hope to go again soon for the Pork Satay, craving for it!

-the end-

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