Free premiere movie very first time

Morning everyone, since very first time get the free premiere ticket of this movie "Greedy Ghost" must be update this post. My classmate and i was win the ticket at our college outside, they was giving out the free premiere ticket. The movie time held on last tuesday night @ GSC Pavillion. I date my Babe J go with me because i had a pair of ticket and my classmate was dated their love ones or friends.

Before the movie start, window shopping a while with Babe J then after go meet my classmate.

Pix of the day

The sweet couple 

Girls of the night

Meet the actor of the movie.

When inside the cinema, we keep camwhore since the movie not yet started. 

Stacy with the boyfie.

Gavin with his friends.

Calyn with the boyfie.

Yin Kuan with the boyfie.

After i only realized all couple are surrounding beside me. LOL This movie was funny and scary also, some funny part keep make us laugh non stop. 

This could a nice outing with my classmate plus with my Babe J. Others classmate was get the free ticket but not the premiere ticket so they need wait after 2 week then only can watch this movie. I was surprise that our class so lucky get the free ticket and almost our gang all get it. Thanks the sponsor giving out the free movie ticket! 

Outfit of the day.
Okay, gonna busy my stuff. bye bye!

-the end-

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