Christmas Eve

Hello peeps. It's late for now but because suddenly no the mood to study then decided to blog now. I think everybody was having fun yesterday right ? Because of CHRISTMAS many people was plan to celebrate with who or going where to celebrate or some stay at home organized christmas party and else. For me, i'm sure going out celebrating to countdown christmas. Actually this year i was not plan to going out but at last also countdown with my classmate on christmas eve. 

On that day, going to Pavillion at the afternoon and just window shopping a while after meet my classmate at the evening.
Before met them, shop at Fahrenheit 88 and those christmas decoration was so lovely.

She holding the rabbit's hand, do you see it ?

After shopping, met my classmate at Sungai Wang then accompany them having dinner at Wong Kok Restaurant. Camwhore. Teehee !

Sakai, a nickname that we used to call her.

Finished their dinner we got nothing to do so find a place to relax and wait for the Countdown Moment. BUT.. everywhere is full of people and no free place for us. We found that Coffee Bean not so much people and take a drink at there. 

I was playing game with Ipad 2. See my serious face. LOL

Ipad 2 capture quality same as I-phone.

This picture is BLUR !

Peace !

After 15 minute we quickly go to Pavillion front door there to wait for Countdown. AND.. MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! All people was playing the spray to each others even they are don't know each other.

Woohoo ! Wish all the guys have a memorable christmas eve. The next celebration are NEW YEAR OF 2012. So gonna plan where to go to celebrate it. But worry about my 31th paper first only can have fun until the max on the end of 2011 !
Off to sleep now. GOOD NIGHT !

-the end-

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